Forza Horizon 4 fan and game trailer creator Gage Allen has produced and directed a film showcasing the game.
See it below!
This Is Forza Horizon
The three minute film, captured entirely in-game, presents the Forza Horizon 4 experience in all its glory. The video includes Forzathon events, drift zones, a danger sign, and other features of the game.
Filming real players
Gage Allen recorded video of real players during Forzathon events. It looks like he invited them to convoy so that cars didn't ghost. Players were unaware Gage was recording!
Given the online experience of Forza Horizon 4, some commented that they expected to see heavy ramming. The film doesn't show any of this kind of behaviour though. Gage responded:
"You know I was actually kind of surprised over the course of shooting the film that I didn't see too much of that. Granted the areas this was shot in didn't offer a ton of incentive to ram but either way it was nice to capture players that weren't trying to ruin everyone's day."
Capturing footage in Forza Horizon
The developers at Playground Games and Turn 10 Studios have made it very easy to capture video and photos in the game. The incredible drone mode enabled a smooth moving camera and the photo mode meant high resolution images could be rendered at 4k.

Given that Gage Allen has experience from work on official trailers for Baldur's Gate 3, Stellaris, The Long Dark, Pistol Whip, Crusader Kings 3, Divinity: Original Sin 2 and others. Forza Horizon 4 presented additional challenges however. Unable to co-ordinate what the players were doing was a limiting factor.
Allen hadn't worked with driving game footage before. He explained the decision to make a film for Horizon 4:
"This was a very personal piece that I made to express how Forza Horizon felt to me, and a way to express my love of cars!"