Forza Horizon 5 is now out!
Like in Forza Horizon 4, the Xbox release gives players a choice of graphics modes, but this time the power of the Xbox Series X is in play.
How do we decide whether to play in Quality or Performance mode? Let's take a look!
Forza Horizon 5 on the Xbox Series X
We've been playing spot-the-difference with videos recorded in each graphics mode for the Xbox Series X. As you'd expect from the latest and greatest Microsoft console, you get 4K resolution either way.

Neither option gets you ray-tracing graphics in freeroam or races. Ray tracing is only used in Forzavista mode, where you can examine and photograph your car at your in-game properties.
Other Xbox models
The Xbox Series S and the Xbox One will both run Forza Horizon 5 at 1080p. All of the previous generation consoles will run Forza Horizon 5 at 30 frames per second. The Series S has a 60 frames per second performance option, like its big brother the Series X.
The Xbox One X offered Quality and Performance modes of 4K30 and 1080p60 respectively for Forza Horizon 4. This new game doesn't offer a choice of graphics mode for the older generation of Xbox consoles. The Xbox One X outputs Forza Horizon 5 at 4K resolution at 30 frames per second. Both the Xbox One X and the One S have HDR available in this game but the original Xbox One does not.
Performance versus Quality
The key difference between Quality and Performance modes is the framerate. Performance promises a locked 60 frames per second, while Quality reduces this to 30 in return for some extra details. It's hard to argue that the framerate increase won't be a benefit to those taking the racing more seriously. But Playground Games say they expect most players to leave the game in default Quality mode.

What we've spotted is that quite a few visual elements are reduced in Performance mode. This includes decorative foliage such as ferns and grasses. The verges and jungle scenes are a little less verdant than in Quality mode. Tyre smoke is reduced too, and other particle type effects.
We've also seen that water splashes lose their transparency when you drive through streams or swamps. This could make a slight difference in close off-road races! But generally we expect Performance mode to be the better option for competitive play.