GTA Online has been keeping gamers fixated on Los Santos for years.
However, life as a GTA Online crime boss isn't cheap. Every new heist and adventure usually requires a substantial investment to start it, and then there are the new vehicles, weapons, and cosmetics that can all rack up a cost.
Keeping your bank balance high is key, but how can you make money fast? Here's how!
Get the crew together for some heistin'
The best way to make money fast in GTA Online is to run heists with a reliable crew of friends. Thankfully, this is also the most fun activity in Los Santos too!
If you've got three buddies that also play GTA Online then doing heists, especially the Pacific Standard Heist, is the best way to keep the cash coming in.
You'll all need to be a reasonably high level to have the skills required, but it can be done without too much fuss.
The Doomsday Heist requires a much higher initial cost and takes longer, but it will also return a lot more to your Maze account.
Of course, there is also the new Cayo Perico Heist if you want a fresh adventure!
Flying solo can still pay off
If, like many GTA Online players, you don't have a reliable crew to go heisting with and don't fancy finding some random players to do it with then you can still make good cash on your own.
The Cayo Perico Heist can be completed solo, a first for GTA Online, so don't hesitate to dive into the new content!
Then there is Special & Vehicle Cargo. These require an office building and vehicle warehouses, but you can make your money back pretty quickly with these.
Driving to glory
Then, of course, there are races. While they aren't the most efficient way of making money, they are a reliable and fun way of building some cash and earning RP.
The GTA Online weekly update brings in new time trials that offer good rewards for completion so make sure you get on those for a quick buck.
Meanwhile, racing in Open Wheel or Cunning Stunts is a great way to keep cash coming in and have some of the most fun possible in any online race!
It's not the most time-efficient method, but it sure is a lot of fun and will give you a chance to test out which cars you want to add to your garage.
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