How Fast is The Lotus Evija?

If you've played Real Racing 3, you may have seen one of the most advanced electric hypercars in action. Of course, we're talking about the Lotus Evija. But how fast is the Lotus Evija? The limited-edition car is one of the fastest electric cars out there., manufactured by Lotus.

How to get the Lotus Evija

Firemonkeys have released the car in the Formula E Update (v9.5), back in mid-June 2021. Moreover, you can unlock the car by earning 26 trophies in Past, Present and Future. Past, Present and Future is a bonus series part of the McLaren Generations career series, and the event was part of the same update.

However, it is important to note that you will need 33 trophies in McLaren Generations to qualify for this series. However, the grind is totally worth it. As you can earn up to R$190,000 and 79 gold upon reaching 100% completion of the entire series.

RR3 Lotus Evija
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THE EVIJA: Real Racing's newest addition to its car roster, the Lotus Evija is surely one of the electric cars that people are most excited to try!

After unlocking the car, the way to get your hands on the Evija is through purchasing it. The regular price is 1100 gold, but you can find it at a discounted price at certain events. However, on release, you had the chance to win the car by participating in the Evija Championship. However, the event is over now.

How fast is it?

The Lotus Evija, as we mentioned, is one of the fastest electric cars. The top speed of the base model of the Evija is 211 mph, with 2.30 s acceleration, and a performance rating of 83.8.

However, when fully upgraded, the top speed is bumped up to 238 mph, and it accelerates faster at 1.98 s. Lastly, the fully upgraded model has a whopping 99.4 performance rating.

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2000 HP AT YOUR FINGERTIPS: With the Evija's astounding 2000 horsepower, you're getting your hands on the car that sets the bar high for its counterparts!

That being said, the Lotus Evija is truly a spectacle in terms of electric cars. Now you know how to get it, and how fast it is. So, are you going to invest in this car? For more on mobile titles such as Real Racing 3, make sure to tune back in right here at Racing Games!

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