Need for Speed Unbound will be coming to Xbox later this year. The latest NFS title is a next-gen exclusive though, so gamers on the one will need to upgrade their systems to the Series X | S to play the newest Need for Speed.
Here's everything you need to know about Unbound on Xbox!
Need for Speed Unbound Xbox
Need for Speed will be getting the next-gen treatment for the first time in December. Unbound will be released on Xbox Series X | S, the first entry on the next-gen consoles, as 2019's Heat was released before the Series X.

So, for the first time, we'll see NFS is full 4K and at a silky-smooth refresh rate of 60 fps. Since Unbound is a next-gen exclusive as well, the graphics and overall presentation should be amazing.
The beginning of the end for the One?
Despite being released over two years ago, triple A titles were still being released on the old-gen consoles. This was down to numbers, as the Xbox One had sold over 50 million units by the time the Series X was launched.

The gap between the Xbox consoles in terms of overall sales was and still is huge. This was thanks in part down to supply delays, there was far more demand for Series X consoles than Microsoft could provide gamers.
However, these shortages are largely over now and there around 10 million Series X's out there. EA have recognised this and made Unbound an exclusive for the next-gen systems.
To our knowledge, this is the first time this has happened and could signal that all games from 2023 onwards will miss old-gen. This should improve the overall experience as well, as the games will be custom-made for next-gen systems and not held back by the limitations of the One.
Will Unbound be coming to Game Pass?
There's no getting around it, Game Pass has been a revolutionary innovation within video gaming. Game Pass allows Xbox gamers to pay a monthly subscription fee in order to experience a huge library of games.
This is the cheapest way to play on Xbox and Windows PC and allows you to play the newest and biggest games produced by Microsoft.

So, with that in mind, will Need for Speed Unbound be included on Game Pass? Well, as NFS Unbound is an EA game, it won't be available on Game Pass from launch.
It is possible that it could be added later on, but EA will want Unbound to be downloaded from its EA Play service as much as possible, especially at first.
So, if you want to experience Unbound on Xbox, you'll need to either download it from the Microsoft Store or another video game retailer, such as Amazon and GAME in the UK.
NFS Unbound Takeover Trailer
The latest NFS Unbound trailer shows us a new game mode, Takeover. Takeover is an obstacle course where your aim is to hit everything in sight with as much style as possible.
Pass this challenge and you'll be rewarded with cash or a new car. The trailer is linked below for you: