It's the final week of Hidden Horizons, but there is one last hunt to be had with the Past The Unlimited Treasure Hunt!
Past The Unlimited Treasure Hunt Guide
The clue for this treasure hunt reads: "Capture a photo of this historic landmark, off the road is where you need to go!"
To complete it you will need to take a picture of any Unlimited Offroad class car at the Teoihuacan. This location is found in the middle of the map, just to the south of the highway and El Stadio Horizon.
Once you snap a picture of your car and the huge structure at the north of the Teoihuacan runway you can retrieve your chest.
The chest is once again in the maze in El Stadio Horizon. This time you will want to head to the centre structure and make your way to the top. There is a ramp down from the top facing north. Head down there and smash the chest at the edge!

While you are completing the Hidden Horizons Spring festival playlist, check out our Detective Tank at Palacio Azul del Oceano location guide.