Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta

Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta

Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta

In recent years, virtual sports have competed in popularity with regular ones. At the same time, unlike football or tennis, everyone can try themselves in the role of a player. If you also like computer games, then be sure to read our review. In it, we will tell you how to choose the best Dota 2 hero, depending on the role.

Criteria for Ranking Heroes

Many Dota players who set a goal to grow to a professional level cannot decide on a suitable role for themselves and a hero that is the most suitable for their gaming style. Despite the seemingly simple question, the choice is quite important, and it must be made carefully (of course, if you approach the issue with all seriousness).

As for the choice of a hero, there are three points to follow:

  • personal skill level (obviously, it is better to take those who can show the best Dota),
  • team tactics for the game,
  • opponent's anti-pick (the character that your team needs to execute the strategy for the game or the one that counters one of the important heroes of the opponent) and the so-called meta characters.

As for the meta, this is the "fashion" for heroes that are currently strong in the game, because new patches are released with changes, fixes, improvements, and so on. Heroes change, as well as their importance and weight. This needs to be monitored separately and very closely, in order to make timely adjustments to your strategy in accordance with the patch to defeat enemies.

When choosing a role and a hero, you need to take into account all the specifics that you will encounter later. In addition, before this, you need to play a lot of different heroes, understand how and what they play in public and on the professional stage, and understand what works best in the game itself, and only then the choice will not be so difficult.

Best Heroes by Role

Knowing the best heroes for each position is useful not only for players but also for bettors. If you bet on India site 1xBet, this knowledge will help you make the correct prediction.

Best Carries

Many people think that Dota 2 heroes in the first position are typical mindless DDs who run around the top lane and mine gold. But in fact, Carries are the team's key damage dealers, both on towers and on enemies. It is they who initiate the rush towards the enemy. The main task of Core characters is to understand the peak of their power while simultaneously managing to farm items for attack.

A classic example of a DD is Anti-Mage, which can only successfully survive with the purchase of Manta Style. And to act more confidently on the field, you will have to buy an Abyssal Blade or a Skull Basher + Black King Bar combo. This already brings you closer to the peak of power. And do not forget that the enemy is not asleep, simultaneously looking for funds for counterbalanced items of the Monkey King Bar level.

Top Carries deal damage that is difficult to counter, run fast, and are stable throughout the entire game.


Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta
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Lunar Rider opens the top carry in Dota 2 and refers to heroes with a long-range attack type. The main attribute is agility. Due to her high attack speed and passive nature, she is able to quickly destroy buildings and deal damage to all enemy creatures located near the target. She has good basic stats and attack speed, thanks to which Luna can do without transitional items. Her arsenal of skills includes a stun, passive glaives for farming, a passive increase in vision at night, and an ultimate. When pressing the ultimate in the selected area or around Luna herself, lunar rays from the first spell begin to hit enemies. Enemies receive stun damage and become vulnerable to the rider's attacks.

Chaos Knight

Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta
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A very strong and powerful hero who can dominate the lane from the first minutes of the game. The main attribute is strength. The hero has strong skills in his arsenal that increase his potential for killing. Stun lasting 3 seconds with huge damage, from which any hero will lose half of his HP. The second skill is an analog of blink. When applied to an enemy, it moves him and the owner of the ability (along with illusions) to the distance between them while reducing the target's armor. Chaos also has a strong passive, which, when attacking with his hand, gives a crit and vampirism. The ult summons illusions to the horse, which deal 100% damage and help him break the faces of enemies. The hero is strong but situational, and in some ways, you can call him unreliable.


Slark has been a part of the Dota 2 meta-carry list for a long time now. As a melee hero, his main attribute is agility. His mobility and desire to taste blood allow him to make easy solo kills, as well as successfully work in a team. Nimble, cunning, ability to quickly get out of fights, to stay alive almost all the time, and to turn fights around - that's all about him.

He has a "cloud" in his arsenal, which removes debuffs from him and deals damage to enemies. Pounce, with which you can get out of a fight or, conversely, catch up with an enemy. Passive, which steals opponents' stats, turning them into additional agility for Slark (+1 to permanent agility for each kill). And finally, the ult, which gives Slark invisibility. He cannot be hit or even just seen, while he himself can calmly attack enemies and not be afraid to get hit. Passively, he gains a quick heal if he is not attacked by enemy heroes.

Troll Warlord

Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta
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One of the strongest carries, the game requires knowledge of timings, namely - when and how to press the button. Trolls can be different: throw axes from afar or take them in their hands and hit them with a close type of attack. His main attribute is agility. He stands out with good move speed, attack speed, and range, which make him incredibly strong. Troll is one of the strongest heroes with a high chance of winning in a 1v1 fight, but in return, he is vulnerable to many targets and has an unpleasant focus. It is quite simple and easy to play, so the character is often chosen by beginners.

In the arsenal of his abilities, there is a switchable attack (from long-range to short-range). When switching to a close attack, there is a 20% chance in battle to throw a net on the enemy. But this is not the only meaning of switching the attack. If the axes are switched to range, the Troll can throw them at a selected area and slow down enemies. If melee is active, another skill will be available. When activated, the axes will rotate around the Troll, and enemy attacks will be with misses. He also has a passive. It works like this: the more he attacks one target, the more his attack speed on it increases. When attacking another target, the effect is reset.

Faceless Void

Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta
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This hero is situational and, for some players, difficult. In Melee, the main attribute is agility. He has excellent base stats, good initial damage with armor, and a convenient attack animation. Due to his first skill, he can easily break into fights or leave them while restoring lost HP in the last seconds before using a spell.

The second skill slows down the movement of enemy heroes in a small area. The third skill is a passive bash, which is triggered when attacking with a 24% chance (at skill level 4). And finally, the ult is a dome in which only Void himself can move. At the same time, allies and enemies located in the dome zone cannot move, attack, or use abilities (even under BKB).

Best Supports

Supports are the heroes who have seemingly easy but at the same time responsible tasks. Such characters should help their carriers to comfortably stand in the lane and prevent enemy heroes from farming, poking, and kicking them out of the lanes. Active abilities of support are often intended to help the team. They can heal allies, put a shield on them, and save in various ways. They also have various disables and skills in their arsenal that allow you to focus on enemy heroes. With good support, you can easily make kills at the landing stage, thereby gaining superiority and dominance on the map over the enemy.


The selection of top Dota 2 supports is opened by the great healer that is called Dazzle. Dazzle has a long-range attack type and belongs to the class of universal heroes. He presents a good support, which is mainly intended for healing and saving allies. In his arsenal, there is an excellent spell for slowing down, which poisons several enemies at the same time. His active abilities are considered the strongest among all Dota 2 supports, which allows him to be useful for the team both at the laning stage and in the late one. He is able not only to raise a practically dead ally to his feet but also to damage enemies well and, if it is necessary, dazzle defends solo.

Crystal Maiden

Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta
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Has a pretty decent pick rate/win rate ratio. Has a long-range attack type. The main attribute is intelligence. This is one of the simplest heroes of the fifth position. She is useful in any drafts. The main advantage of Crystal is that it is difficult to make a mistake or ruin the game, so beginners can safely pick her. She can go on a spree or hold the wrong position, but in most cases, this depends on the player, not on the hero himself. In fact, you can do nothing with this hero and already bring benefits because her aura increases the mana regeneration of allies.


Lion is a support unit that has several abilities for disabling. A ranged hero, the main attribute is intelligence. He is considered one of the strongest nukers in Dota, who can inflict a colossal amount of damage on one target in a matter of seconds. This is a universal hero that can be picked as a support but at the same time act as a ganker. He can easily dominate the lane against most heroes, deprive them of mana, and interfere with finishing creeps as much as possible. In addition, he has a good range and a large poke, allowing him to hit enemies.

Witch Doctor

Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta
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One of the most annoying things about this support is that you need to try to dodge his spells as much as possible; otherwise, you will have to go to the fountain. Witch Doctor is a long-range hero, and his main attribute is intelligence. He has become a favorite hero among picks at position five due to the combination of his skills. He can be aggressive on the lane and perfectly complement any hero who likes to impose fights from the first minutes of the game. He becomes incredibly strong after buying Shard, and Aghanim, a well-placed ward from the ultimate, can send the entire enemy team to the tavern.


Lich is an ice king who is considered one of the most colorful supports in Dota. He has a long-range attack type, and his main attribute is intelligence. He can be picked in any draft since he is a very valuable hero due to his skills. In the right hands, he is capable of tilting the entire team, not giving enemies a chance to win. He deals great damage with teapot and ice, protects teammates from some physical damage, and has a control skill. He does not lose relevance in the late game and becomes even stronger thanks to his talents.

Best Offlaners

Offlaners in Dota 2 - who are they? This is a trio in a team that stands solo hard or in company with their roamer. Previously, hard was called the "Patient Corridor," but a lot has changed since then, and now this name is irrelevant. Now, you don't have to stand under the tower solo against the enemy trilane, dreaming of at least sniffing creeps closely. An experienced and aggressive offlaner from the first minutes of the game terrifies the enemy carry, including strangling him under the tower, kicking him out of the lane, and preventing him from farming the forests.


He is one of the best offlaners in Dota 2, who loves to be hit as much as possible (due to his passive). Axe is a mid-range hero, and his main attribute is strength. Incredibly strong from the first minutes of the game, he is able to turn the life of opponents on his lane into a real hell. A good hero, with him, you can make many combinations and easily win games, leaving no chance for opponents. He does not need a lot of gear to start breaking cabins. A simple blink with a backlash is enough, and if you press the buttons correctly, then these gears will do everything for themselves.


Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta
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This is a relatively new hero that many players like. In the first days after its release, it was picked for any position except for the five, and it was effective in each of them. But it still brings more benefits when playing offline. Melee, the main attribute is strength. This is a very active, durable, and hardy hero who definitely needs to realize his early aggression to dominate the lane. Beginners can comfortably play on it, and more experienced players can also buff their MMR.

Night Stalker

Night Stalker, Balanar, Herokiller, or simply the perfect ganker! He is considered one of the strongest heroes for playing in the hardline. In Melee, the main attribute is strength. He is quite easy to master for beginners. The main thing to know is his features. The character becomes incredibly strong at night, which is why opponents try not to accept fights and quietly farm the forest. Good in mass fights, can focus enemies and catch up with them, even if they run away as fast as they can. He is an excellent roamer who can take dominance into his own hands.

Legion Commander

Top Dota 2 Heroes in 2024: Mastering the Meta
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A universal hero. She can be picked as a carry or even mid, but she feels more confident in the offline with an aggressive four. She has a close attack type, and her main attribute is strength. She copes well with the enemy in a 1v1 fight and generally relies on her strength throughout the game. She has a powerful dispel, which can throw off all sorts of disables from herself and her teammates. Her main skill is the ultimate, which allows her to increase damage to incredible limits. She is much simpler than she seems. You just need to practice.

Centaur Warrunner

This is a fat tank initiator, whose main task is to break into a bunch of enemies and literally "trade face" while teammates take them apart. The hero fights with a close type of attack. The main attribute is strength. But if Centaur gets a team that prefers to farm for a long time and practically does not fight, he will not be able to fully reveal his potential. In this case, Centaur, as a hero, will be destroyed by opponents. He is suitable exclusively for aggressive play, but you also need to pay attention to matchups.

Best Midlaners

Midders are the players of the central line. As a rule, they stand in a solo line 1v1 with the enemy midder and level up faster than anyone else on the map. The list of tasks that the central players face is simply huge: from farming creeps with runes, pushing, and ganks to the need to farm, buy useful artifacts according to the situation, and quickly move around the entire map.


Zeus opens the top of Dota 2 midlaners and is one of the strongest magic casters. Has a long-range attack type. The main attribute is intelligence. It is extremely unpleasant to line up against him, at least because the lightning bolts have high damage and a short cooldown. He can easily take packs of creeps, open vision over the area on heroes in invisibility, and onwards. He has a powerful ultimate that works across the entire map area and allows you to finish off enemies at low HP

Ember Spirit

Ember can be seen as a carry, but most often, he is picked in the mid. Mid, the main attribute is agility. A universal hero, on which you can test an unrealistic number of builds for both magic and physics. He can take the role of an initiator, save his teammates, and also move to almost any point on the map through his fire copy. He was and remains an imba due to his ability to test many builds. At the moment, the win rate on this hero is 47%.


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This is also a universal hero in some way. He can be a strong mid with nasty magic skills or go hard to destroy the lane. Ranged, the main attribute is intelligence. This hero has powerful skills that deal huge AoE damage. Due to this, he actually becomes a big threat to the enemy team. He can easily kill thin heroes with one or two casts, push, and show his power even at a low rating.

Lone Druid

Druid is a hero that not everyone can carry. You need to get a feel for him, which is quite difficult to do. He is a ranged hero, and his bear is a melee hero, a universal type of hero. He is famous for his ability to effectively gank, push towers, live for a long time, and take out the entire team. He does not need any specific gear because he fights and pushes mainly with his bear, and he can generally stand at the base.


The ideal hero for a 4+1 game is a tank whose skills do not depend on the mana pool at all. A ranged hero whose main attribute is strength. In 1x1 fights, he can kill absolutely any enemy, and this does not require any special knowledge from the Huskar player. This is an unusual hero due to its own game mechanics since you constantly need to maintain balance and be on the verge of death. After all, the lower Huskar's HP, the higher his attack speed and damage.

Heroes With the Highest Skill Ceilings

Invoker is the absolute leader among all Dota 2 players who have reached the Grandmaster rank: more than 3.7 thousand people have pumped the character to level 30 in Dota Plus. In second place, almost one and a half times behind, is Pudge. Juggernaut also made it into the top 3.

The most popular hero in this regard turned out to be Primal Beast - only 15 players in the world accepted at a small rank. The second and third places from the end are occupied by Gyrocopter and Beastmaster (17 and 32 Grandmasters, respectively).

Emerging Heroes in the Meta

On the night of August 1, 2024, Valve released a new global patch 7.37, which reworked the mechanics and abilities of some heroes. It is not surprising that with the release of this patch, the meta of heroes also changed.

  • Medusa. If in the previous patch 7.36 the hero was not so popular in matchmaking, then patch 7.37 significantly reworked the hero, breathing new life into him.
  • Lina. In patch 7.37, due to nerfs of other midlaners, Lina began to be picked much more often than in previous patches. In this patch, she was not nerfed, so it is logical that this hero became popular.
  • Doom. The hero in patch 7.37 can rightfully be considered one of the strongest offlaners. Playing this hero is simple: press the ultimate, which turns off the healing, which gives an almost guaranteed frag to the team.
  • Mirana. This hero has always been good because she has a long stun of the enemy opponent due to her enchanted arrow, and the longer the arrow flies, the longer the opponent will be stunned, and it is easy to burst him.

How to Choose the Right Hero

Any hero in Dota 2 takes time to learn to play well, but some have very simple, straightforward abilities and playstyles that will help a beginner player get comfortable.

First of all, think about the role that is most comfortable for you. Some heroes are quite comfortable in two positions due to their flexible set of skills. However, most often such universal players are not very good. In any case, you will have to put in a lot of effort before you can get the most out of the hero.


Dota 2 is completely situational. That's why it's hard to talk about specific characters, because gear and playstyle can radically change the role on the battlefield. So, develop in all directions, you'll only benefit from it.

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