Trackmania recently received an update adding a matchmaking mode to the game.
This feature was highly anticipated, and launched to rave reviews from players.
Today, the developers have made another set of fixes to the mode, as well as added further features! Let's take a look now.
Matchmaking Improvements
The addition of the mode was a brilliant move from the developers, who are incredibly in-tune with their audience. Since its addition, the devs have updated it a number of times.

Today's update sees some fixes and some new features. One of the most interesting addition is a new 'banned' status.
If you were to leave your game before the end of the match, you will now receive a timeout. This will prevent you from joining further games for a fixed amount of time.
You will also lose twice the amount of points as you would have before.
Matchmaking Features
A number of other features were added to the game with this latest update also.

One is a new UI flash which shows when a match is ready to be played. There is also now a 3D view of your car when in the menus.
Finally, a colour has been added to the progress bar depending on your rank and how close you are to the next rank.
Full Patch Notes
The full list of changes made in the latest update is as follows:
New features:
+ Added a flash to the Trackmania window when a match is ready+ Added a 3D view of your car in the menu (multiple cars will be displayed when the squad feature is added)+ Added color to the progress bar depending on the color of your rank+ Added only the match id to the clipboard when clicking on it+ Added the banned status. If you leave your match before the end, you will be banned from matchmaking for a certain amount of time and you will lose the double of points you would have lost

Changes & Fixes:
+ Fixed opacity in the live ranking to be able to see better the team of the players and display its own name in green+ Updated point repartition when a player leaves the game (from 6/5/4/3/0 to 4/3/2/1/0) and display “+0” instead of nothing+ Changed point repartition at the beginning of the round when a player leaves instead of any time in the round+ Fixed missing players in the end match UI when they were leaving beforehand+ Removed the join button to join the server, instead it will automatically join the server and the play button will become a join button if a match is in progress+ Fixed an issue where the script was crashing and the match wouldn’t count the points or restart indefinitely+ Improved some animations timing+ Reduced waiting time when joining a server and reduce the time to accept the match to 16s instead of 30+ Removed the “leave” button at the end of a match so you can keep chatting. It will now leave automatically after the 30s. You can still leave through the pause menu+ Hide the MVP in the UI if there’s no MVP yet+ Fixed translation issue with “Blue/Red won the round” message+ Fixed an issue where the match id will not be displayed in the warm-up+ Updated the sound when losing a rank+ Fixed an issue where points of a match were not updated+ Fixed the flash of the join window when coming back from a match
+ Updated race script API+ Fixed a script crash on the map review menu page+ Fixed a script crash in the local server page+ Fixed a translation issue with regions in solo