Where is the Detective Tank at Aerodromo en La Selva in Forza Horizon 5?

The detective tank at aerodromo en la selva in Forza Horizon 5

The detective tank at aerodromo en la selva in Forza Horizon 5

The Hidden Horizons Winter festival playlist has started, and we are once again on the lookout for a Detective Tank.

This week, he is hidden somewhere in Aerodromo en La Selva. But where? This guide will help you find him!

Finding Aerodromo en La Selva

The Aerodromo en La Selva is tucked away in the south-west corner of the map. It may not be somewhere players visit often, but it is a regular spot for treasure hunts and activities.

You'll find it in the circled area in the image below.

Aerodromo en la selva in Forza Horizon 5
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The Detective Tank is located on the rear wing of a scrapped plane south of the runway. You'll find it at our player marker in the image below.

Detective Tank location at Aerodromo en La Selva
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Hidden Horizons Winter Festival Playlist

This week's festival playlist offers players seven cars and three Super Wheelspins along with a few other cosmetic rewards.

The seasonal progress cars are the Chaser GT TT '91 (20 points) and the 2JetZ (40 points). You can also win the Ford Ranger T6, the #5 Escort '77, the Ford Mustang '18, the TVR Sagaris, and the Ferrari 488 GTB.

Those who own the two expansion DLCs can also win the Toyota FJ40 and the Honda Civic '16, along with two further Super Wheelspins.

Oh and don't forget to complete the 30K is the Game treasure hunt too.

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