Where is the Horizon Test Track in Forza Horizon 5?

The McLaren Senna in a Gulf Oil livery drifting in Forza Horizon 5

The McLaren Senna in a Gulf Oil livery drifting in Forza Horizon 5

Week 3 of the High-Performance Dailies season is here, and with it a photo challenge asking you to track down the Horizon Test Track. But where is it?

Most players rarely visit this site despite its ideal setting for trying out new setups and car builds. Which is why so few know where it is!

Horizon Test Track Location

The Hoizon Test Track is where you can push new builds to their limit to see how they handle and accelerate.

The Horizon test track banner in Forza Horizon 5
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With banked corners for drifting, a long straight to test your gearing, and plenty of variety it offers a lot of fun for all.

The Horizon Test Track is located to the north-east of the Horizon Festival Mexico site.

This is a busy part of the map, so use the filter to isolate it.

The map filter setting to find the Horizon Test Track in Forza Horizon 5
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The location of the Horizon Test Track on the map in Forza Horizon 5
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Now that you can see exactly where the Horizon Test Track is you can head there any time you want.

the High-Performance Dailies Week 3 photo challenge asks you to snap a photo of any Maserati while in the Horizon Test Track. The reward isn't great but it gets you two points toward the exclusive Ford Fiesta '23 that is part of the Week 3 seasonal progress rewards.

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