Forza Horizon 5 is home to several famous Mexican landmarks including ancient ruins, but where is the Temple of Quechula in Forza Horizon 5?
This landmark is often the location of Photo Challenges or daily Forzathon tasks, but you can only get to in during Winter as it is otherwise hidden.
Temple of Quechula
The Temple of Quechula is difficult to locate because it isn’t shown on the map until you’ve discovered it. It’s also only accessible in winter seasons, but you can see it in the distance.
You can find the Temple of Quechula southwest of the Cordillera region. It can be found north of the Sierra Verde Dam. During Spring, Summer and Autumn seasons, the Temple of Quechula is surrounded by water, so you can’t drive to it unless you have an off-roader capable of forging through water.
Wiinter seasons spawn a driveable path that takes you to the Temple of Quechula.
You can find the Temple of Quechula at the following location where the cursor is on the map below:
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