Why Forza Horizon 5 is the Best Racing Game in the World (and How to Buy it Cheap)

Over the years, the Forza series has slowly but surely established itself as the greatest racing game franchise in the world.

The latest entry in the series, Forza Horizon 5, is the biggest yet. It also boasts the highest geographical point, an active volcano from which you can survey miles and miles of gorgeous, fictional Mexico.

Birthday Celebrations

Forza Horizon 5 recently celebrated its first birthday, and these are just some of the reasons that we think it’s a game worth celebrating.

PURE PERFORMANCE: The game is constantly receiving new cars!
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PURE PERFORMANCE: The game is constantly receiving new cars!

First up, did we mention that it’s huge? Yes, we did. It’s right there in black and white. But we didn’t really get across just how mind-bogglingly massive the game’s open-world environment really is.

In fact, it’s a full 40% bigger than the map in Forza Horizon 4. Estimates put it at around 40 square miles, which is about twice the size of Manhattan.

And its developers have squeezed an unbelievable amount into those square miles, including beaches, jungles, towns, cities, and Mayan temples.

You can even drive into the sports stadium and nudge a giant soccer ball around with your car.

Weather inbound

For the first time in the series, Forza Horizon 5 also features a sophisticated weather system. Different parts of the map have their own climates and seasonal weather effects, meaning you can see dust storms, leaves blowing in the wind, and so on.

DAY OR NIGHT: The time cycle in Forza Horizon 5 makes for some gorgeous sights!
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DAY OR NIGHT: The time cycle in Forza Horizon 5 makes for some gorgeous sights!

Since launching in November 2021, Forza Horizon 5 has received a ton of content updates, adding new cars, horns, radio stations, map changes, and more.

The game’s open world is an evolving place.

A game for all

It also has a constantly evolving base of players learning the courses, memorizing the landscape, and generally becoming ever more formidable opponents.

The best way to catch up is by putting in the time, and you can make your playing time more enjoyable by visiting Eldorado.gg, where you’ll find Forza Horizon 5 credits for sale.

To get the cheapest copy of the game, meanwhile, visit GameCamp.gg for your Forza Horizon 5 steam key.

Happy driving!

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