As we head even closer to Christmas day, it seems that all of our favourite games are getting enw content.
This time, it's WRC 9 getting in on the update action.
Let's take a look at the update now and what will be added to the game!
120Hz Mode
For both the PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X|S there is now a 120 Hz option.

This is coupled with a high visual quality mode. This means that players can now choose to play at 120Hz or in a higher resolution at 60Hz.
Either way, this is a massive boost for the game on next-gen, and should have those with a next-gen console suitable excited!
Steering Wheel Compatibility
Another major fix in this update is the fix for many of the steering wheels you can use on the game.

It seems as tho this fix was PlayStation oriented, but it also comes with the addition of steering wheels support for PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.
So not only will next-gen players have access to different visual modes, they can also now use their wheel of choice.
We're expecting to see some scary fast stage times with these two big additions.
Other fixes
The update also, as usual, brought a number of other fixes to the game. Notably for PC players, a number of mouse and keyboard navigation issues are now fixed.

One of these is the addition of the Arabic language to the game. This helps make the game far more accessible for millions of players.
There has also been some groundwork put in place ahead of Esports WRC Season 6.
Other fixes predominantly involve bug fixes such as visual issues. However, a number of performance related issues have been fixed also.
For full patch notes, click here to be taken to the list!