F1 24 Mexico Setup (Updated For New Handling Patch)

F1 24 Mexico Setup: Best Car Settings For Mexico City

F1 24 Mexico Setup: Best Car Settings For Mexico City

Mexico is a very unique circuit in Formula 1. The thin air makes cooling the car incredibly difficult, as well as generating downforce.

F1 teams have to get creative when it comes to configuring the car for Mexico. Virtual racers, therefore, also need a good F1 24 Mexico setup, updated for the new handling patch.

Best F1 24 Mexico Setup

Mexico plays host to the highest circuit in Formula 1. The Autodromo Hermanos Rodriguez sits over seven thousand feet above sea level, with the thin air creating a unique challenge for F1 cars.

F1 24 Mexico Setup: Best Car Settings For Mexico City
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Downforce and cooling require air to work properly. Therefore F1 teams need to design special parts to channel more air through the cars in Mexico City.

Mexico also has plenty of straights where overtaking is possible. This means the aerodynamic package needs to keep the car gripped to the road while also providing less drag for the straights.

F1 24's handling was criticized by F1 Esports drivers and seasoned content creators upon release. The game has since been patched, with this setup best suited to the game post-patch.

Check out the full F1 24 Mexico setup at the bottom of this article, or read the setup summary below:


  • Front wing: 40
  • Rear wing: 25


  • Differential adjustment on throttle: 50%
  • Differential adjustment off throttle: 50%
  • Engine braking: 100%

Suspension geometry

  • Front camber: -3.50
  • Rear camber: -2.2
  • Front toe-out: 0.25
  • Rear toe-in: 0.25


  • Front suspension: 41
  • Rear suspension: 3
  • Front anti-roll bar: 12
  • Rear anti-roll bar: 10
  • Front ride height: 25
  • Rear ride height: 55


  • Brake pressure: 95%
  • Front brake bias: 55%


  • Front right tyre pressure: 29.5 psi
  • Front left tyre pressure: 29.5 psi
  • Rear right tyre pressure: 26.5 psi
  • Rear left tyre pressure: 26.5 psi


What do you think about our F1 24 Mexico setup? Let us know below!

Mexico needs a specific aerodynamic setup. In the thin air, the car needs to be slippery on the three main straights.

A front wing of 40 and a rear of 25 are ideal. These will push the car down without compromising straight-line speed where it matters.


F1 24 introduces a new engine braking option. This sets how much speed is scrubbed when easing off the throttle and pushed back into the ERS battery pack.

F1 24 Mexico Setup (Updated For New Handling Patch)
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This may change as we discover more about the setting, but right now a maximum 100% setting is the best option.

The differential dictates how differently the rear wheels can rotate when on and off the throttle.

The on-throttle should be set to 50% and the off-throttle 50%. This is especially helpful in the slow baseball stadium section.

Suspension Geometry

In previous years the meta was to set camber all the way right and toe all the way left. This year, as things currently stand, that creates some difficulty in car balance.

As a result, we recommend -3.5 and -2.2 for the camber settings and 0.0 for both toe settings. This also helps pull the car around the narrow streets.


Suspension is the most detailed section of your F1 24 setup and can be extremely personal to your driving style and skill level.

F1 24 Mexico Setup (Updated For New Handling Patch)
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Mexico needs a 41 front suspension and 3 rear suspension to allow the car to ride curbs with minimal disruption.

Anti-roll bar sets how the car pitches during changes of direction. Anti-roll bars of 12 on the front and 10 on the rear are required to let the car roll over the curbs.

The Ride Height in Mexico needs to be low. 25 on the front and 55 on the rear enable ground effect to replace the lack of aerodynamic performance.


Mexico has three main areas where you need to lose speed quickly. Your Brake Pressure needs to be high at 95% to slow the car down in time.

It also helps if your braking bias is weighted more towards the front than usual. Setting the front to 55% provides the ideal balance.


Maximizing the tyre pressures are the best option in F1 24. This will increase performance without sacrificing too much tyre life.

Setting 29.5 psi on the front and 26.5 psi on the rear is best, even up in the thin air.

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What do you think about our F1 24 Mexico setup? Let us know below!