CarX Drift Racing Online: What is the PTR Update and when will it come to console?

Towards the end of last week, CarX Drift Racing Online received an update and it was a very important one. Update 2.12.0 a.k.a. The PTR update has a lot of goodies inside, but it isn't your typical patch. For starters, it's a PC exclusive for the moment, and it's also optional for those that play on that system.

If that sounds confusing, we'll clear it all up, we've got everything you need to know right here.

What is a PTR?

In gaming terms, PTR stands for Public Test Realm. This is similar to an open beta, where game developers make their latest build version of a game live for the public to play before the release of the full game. PTR's are more common with large updates, as devs want to find any issues with the update before it goes live for everybody.

CarX Drift Racing Online
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TESTING THE WATERS: PC is often the testing ground before the update goes live to all systems

When will update 2.12.0 come to console?

This isn't the first time that CarX technologies have rolled out a PTR update exclusively for PC. In fact, it's a pretty regular occurrence. The last time this happened was in June of this year, with update 2.10.0. 2.10.0 went through four versions before it went live to all consoles.

CarX 2 screenshot
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THE BEST VERSION: CarX technologies don't mess around when it comes to getting their updates released

It should also be noted that 2.12.0 is going through its second version and there will likely be more before it hits consoles. However, 2.11.0 only took six days total to go live on all systems, so 2.12.0 could come to PlayStation and Xbox very quickly.

However, this process can take less time if no major issues are found. Update 2.11.0 only took four days to go live on all systems from when the PTR first went live.

It should be noted that the console and PC versions of CarX are completely independent of the mobile version.

How can I play the PTR update 2.12.0 (v.2) for CarX?

It's a fairly simple process to play the PTR update on Steam, but it is easy to miss if you don't know where to look. To select the version of the game with the update you need:

  • Go to the Steam library
  • Right Click on CarX Drift Racing Online
  • Select properties
  • Go to the BETA VERSIONS tab
  • Select versionĀ ptr_2.12.0