Circuit Superstars Spring update improves physics, adds new cars, tracks and private lobbies

Circuit Superstars is a fun and addictive top-down indie racer that won us over last year. It's a charming celebration of motorsport with an abundance of racing classes. Despite the cartoony art style, Circuit Superstars is a surprisingly challenging racer.

The Circuit Superstars Spring update 1.3.1 is now live for PS4, Xbox One and PC, and itā€™s the most significant update yet. The latest patch adds new free content, while small but significant changes make the indie racer even more enjoyable.

Improved physics

One of the most significant changes in update 1.3.1 is the improved physics model. Improvements have been made to ā€œhow cars react to external forces.ā€

Circuit Superstars touring cars race
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Improved contact physics result in closer racing

In other words, youā€™re less likely to spin out if you make contact with other cars, resulting in closer racing against the AI. This should make hard-fought races less frustrating.

Custom Private Lobbies

Fans have been requesting private lobbies in Circuit Superstars, and update 1.3.1 adds this long-requested feature.

Circuit Superstars private lobbies
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Fans have been requesting private lobbies in Circuit Superstars for a long time

A new ā€œCreate Online Lobbyā€ in the online options allows you to create your own events similar to Free Play. Friends can join your event via a lobby code or invite.

PlayStation improvements

In addition, the Circuit Superstars Spring update makes the following improvements to the PS4 version:

  • Anti-Aliasing
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Tire Marks are now visible.

New cars and tracks

There's an abundance of extra free content to enjoy in the Spring update, too. Update 1.3.1 adds a new car called the Road Rebel, which can be found in the new Touring Cars category.

Circuit Superstars Road Rebel touring car
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Touring Cars is a new car class in Circuit Superstars

There are also two new tracks: Speedopolis is a new oval track for single-seaters, while Thunder Point is a new challenging Road Course for any car. You can experience Road Rebel and new tracks in two new Grand Prix Tournaments: Stock CarGP and Touring GP.

Circuit Superstars Speedopolis oval track.
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The Circuit Superstars Spring update adds a new oval track called Speedopolis.

Other changes in update 1.3.1 include improvements to the UI and reverse cameras to tracks that were missing this feature.

There are also various bug fixes listed below.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed some issues with disconnecting / reconnecting to lobbies.
  • Penalties now appear correctly online.
  • Added specific reverse cameras to all tracks as in some cases cameras behaved weirdly on reverse layouts.
  • Various UI bugs in the Front End.
  • Some modal dialogues had "-" instead of appropriate text.
  • Removed large black borders in split screen.
  • Addressed an issue where the game would stutter while saving a new Time Trial time.
  • Loading screens are now black instead of white
  • Fix an issue where music volume setting was not respected

PlayStation Bug Fixes

  • Fixed distorted sound on PS4 and PS5.
  • Fixed issues with Time Trial Leaderboards on PS4.
  • Music settings are now respected on PS4.
  • Removed empty Video settings on PS5

More changes are on the way, too. Original Fire Games is working on the upcoming Q2 patch and will share an updated roadmap of updates soon.