How to adjust screen size in Gran Turismo Sport

As fans wait for Gran Turismo 7, Gran Turismo Sport is filling the gap nicely, especially given all the updates to the game recently.

With Gran Turismo Sport now a few years old, players are looking for more ways to play.

So, let's take a look at how you can change your screen size Gran Turismo Sport!

Change screen size in GT Sport

One of the best features of Gran Turismo Sport is the ability to change the screen size to fit different monitors or televisions.

Gt Sport Alsace
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For this title, you'll have to do so by heading into your console's settings as opposed to on game start up in the in-game settings.

Head to the sounds and screen tab, and then display area settings. This should be true for both PS4 and PS5, and will let you change the size of the game.

This should allow you to change the screen size without having to change the resolution of the game!

Gran Turismo 7

The arrival of Gran Turismo 7 is still on the horizon, although it was recently announced that the release of the game will be delayed until 2022.

So for now, let’s enjoy the announcement trailer from last year!

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