Le Mans Ultimate is finally on the grid, with players from all over the world joining the World Endurance Championship. With full race weekends simulated in the game, players can live out a realistic endurance race. But for those who don’t want to drive for hours, how can you change practice length in Le Mans Ultimate?
Practice makes perfect
Part of every race weekend, practice sessions are the first and only opportunity for drivers to explore the track, experience the conditions, and of course, finalise their car setup for qualifying and the race.

In the real world, practice takes place over four hours in total. This is usually split up into two or three sessions, giving every driver the opportunity to perfect their setup.
Four hours sounds like a long time, but in racing that’s no time at all when it comes to preparing for a weekend. For us sim racers, however, we don’t always have a spare four hours to practice.
So how can you change the practice length in Le Mans Ultimate?
How to change practice length in Le Mans Ultimate
Le Mans Ultimate has a lot of customisation options when it comes to session length, but you need to go looking to find the right option.

When starting a race weekend, you have the option to set up the weekend exactly how you want. This includes the rules, damage, tyre and fuel usage, and of course, session length.
In the ‘Event Settings’ menu, you can change the practice session length or even remove practice altogether. This can be done by using the arrows under ‘Length’ or by clicking the little X in the top corner respectively.

The session length options here are quite limited, but there is a way to adjust the settings further. Click on the ‘Advanced Options’, then find the ‘Practice Length’ setting. Here, you can finetune the exact length further to give you the length of practice that you want.
Once you’re happy with the practice length, it’s time to hit the track and make the most of the time you have!
Le Mans Ultimate guides
If you found this guide useful, check out our other helpful Le Mans Ultimate guides.
If you’re struggling to control the powerful WEC cars, check out our guide on how to change the control scheme in Le Mans Ultimate.
Finding the cockpit camera too claustrophobic? Change the camera view with this guide.
Want to change the FOV in Le Mans Ultimate? We have just the guide for you.
If you also want to change the length of qualifying and the race, we have guides for both of those too.
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