Simracing.GP: Moza Challenge Returns With Incredible Prizes to Win

a racing car is driving down a race track .

a racing car is driving down a race track .

Alongside the ongoing Drive2Win competition, SimRacing.GP is teaming up with Moza to host the Moza Challenge for the second year running. This year’s sim racing competition sees players compete in five seasons for a chance to win a $10,000 prize pool and Moza sim racing hardware.

Moza Challenge returns for 2024

Each of the five seasons lasts for four weeks, with multiple opportunities to win cash prizes and qualify for the grand final. In each season, the top six drivers will qualify for the grand final but can continue competing to win additional cash prizes throughout the year. The winner of each season will win $650, while drivers who place second and third place will win $325 and $125 respectively.

SimRacing GP Moza Challenge
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Points are awarded each week, with drivers placed in splits based on their SGP ranking. Multipliers will balance field sizes and strengths, culminating in double points during the season finale.

The 2024 Moza Challenge also introduces a new Leaderboard Challenge, where drivers can earn cash prizes by competing in as many races as possible and accumulating points across all five seasons. The overall highest scorer will win $650.

Grand Final

After five seasons, the grand final will take place on December 21 and will be broadcast live, with the top drivers from each season competing for cash prizes and Moza sim racing hardware. Live stewards will ensure all competitors race fairly.

The winner of the grand final will win $2,000 in cash along with a Moza R9 base and CS Wheel. Second place will win $1,250 in cash and a Moza R5 bundle, while third place will win a Moza R3 bundle for Xbox and PC.

In addition, Moza will be giving away merchandise throughout the competition including t-shirts, hats, mousepads, and rig mats to reward participants.

For a chance to win these incredible prizes, you can sign up for the Moza Challenge 2024 on Simracing.GP here.

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