Cyberpunk 2077: All FREE cars and how you can get them too!

Vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077 are incredibly in-depth and detailed, and many players are working hard to get them all.

In fact, CD Projekt Red had an entire team just to replicate the noises of real-life vehicles for the game.

However, what if we told you could get cars for free in Cyberpunk 2077!

Apollo Scorpion

Plenty of cars and bikes can set you back a lot of money. Thankfully, we've got you covered with some awesome vehicles you can get for free.

This first one is simply earned by following through with the storyline of the game.

This is earned during 'Life During Wartime', so is pretty difficult to miss.

Porsche 911 Turbo

This is one of the few real vehicles in the game, and CDPR made it in collaboration with Porsche.

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BAVARIAN BEAST: The Porsche is phenomenal in Cyberpunk 2077!

The quest 'Chippin' In' is where you'll earn this bad bpoy.

Opt to put your pistol away and you will receive a keycard to a container. You will find the car in the container.

Colby CX410 Butte

Out in the Badlands you will find a desert film set.

Among the equipment is a Colby CX410 Butte, and she's all yours for free.

Not bad for a simple drive out of your way into the desert!

Rayfield Caliburn

We recently did a slightly more in-depth piece on this if you want to take a look.

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SPEED AND PRECISION: The Caliburn is an absolute beast!

However, to find this, simply head towards the mines in the main quest 'Ghost Town'.

There should be a shipping container in there, and the car is yours.

Alvarado Vato

You can acquire this through street-fighting, so make sure you're ready for a fight here.

All you have to do is beat your opponent in the 'Beat on the Brat: The Glen' side quest.

After that, you win the pink slips to the vehicle.

Delamain No. 21

For this, you'll have to decommission 7 infected cabs in the 'Epistrophy' side quest.

Once you have done so, you'll get one for yourself.

Quadra Turbo-R V-Tech

This car is once again acquired through simply completing elements of the storyline.

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RECOGNISED: This is arguably the most iconic vehicle in the game!

Head to the Glen in Heywood and start 'Life's Work'. After completing, wait three days and start the side quest 'Sex on Wheels'.

Arch Nazare Itsumade

Look for a weapon shop in Southeast Rancho Coronado.

Next, start the side quest 'The Highwayman' and complete the whole quest. You will receive an Itsumade for free.


Some of these other vehicles aren't cars either.

If you complete 'The Beast in Me' quest with Claire, she will give V a huge vehicle called the Beast.

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SELECTION: Cyberpunk 2077 has a plethora of vehicles to choose from!

Likewise, in the same quest, you can earn a Quadra Type-66 Cthulhu if you let Sampson live.

When players choose a nomad life, you can earn a Thornton Galena Rattler for free by completing side quest 'These Boots are Made for Walkin''

You can even get your first vehicle back, the mighty Hella EC-D I360. Simply follow the AI coordinates during the 'These Boots are Made for Walkin' quest and find the car in the dump.

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